
Aloud ��n�� Live!
(WEA, 1973) #20 on the National chart.

Get Rocked
(Wizard, 1974) Triple Gold.

C��mon We��re Taking Over
(Wizard, 1974) Double Gold.

Rough, Tough ��n�� Ready
(Wizard (1975) Quadruple Gold.

Nothing Stays the Same Forever, Best of
(Wizard, 1978) Gold.

(Wizard, 1977)
- Over You/Rainy Day Bells Phonogram��s Philips label
- White Christmas December 1972 (reggae version)
- Get the Feeling/Take Us Home�� (#11 in Sydney, October 1973)
- Man Eater/Black Skinned, Blue-Eyed Boys�� (February 1974)
- Get Rocked/Linda Lee (May 1974)
- Walking/Exit (#10 in August 1974)
- C��Mon We��re Taking Over/Paradise (September 1974)
- Boney Moroney/Rocking Gypsy King (#1 September 1975)
- Glad All Over/Get What? (#9 October 1974)
- You Really Gotta Hold on Me/Rough
- Tough��n��Ready (February 1976)
- Too Young to Know/Lies (#21 October 1976)
- Sunday/How Do You Feel? Alright!�� (December 1976)
- Nothing Stays the Same Forever/Sunday (June 1977)
- Messin�� Around��/��Only Love�� (August 1977)